Peregrinación Europea de Jóvenes PEJ22

Questions for catechesis groups

Catechesis «The Spirit gives life» – 4 August

1º After introducing ourselves, we take half a minute of silence to think about some significant moment of what we have lived around the Camino de Santiago and the beginning of these days here. Then we share it briefly with the others, and listen to each other.

2nd «The Holy Spirit sustains us»: remember and share an experience of difficulty, which over time has been an opportunity to grow in your life.

–> And from what you have heard, you can pose a question for dialogue with the catechist.

Catechesis «Christ saves you, he lives and wants you alive! – 5 August

1º After introducing ourselves, think about the following: of what you already know or what you have heard today, what do you value most in the person of Jesus Christ, what attracts you most to Him? Share it briefly and listen to your companions.

2nd «Christ saves you» and «He lives and wants you alive»: in a few seconds of silence, let these phrases resonate in your heart. What do they mean to you? (That is to say: what can Jesus save you from; in what or why does he want you alive…). Think about it and share it.

–> From what you have heard, you can pose a question for dialogue with the catechist.

Catechesis «God loves you» – 6 August

1º After introducing ourselves, we think and share on this question: what does «God loves you» mean to you? You can also share some echoes of the catechesis and testimony heard today.

2º If you have already discovered this love of God in your life, what means can you use to develop this love (let yourself be accompanied, seek holiness of life, give witness to this love, develop a specific vocation…). And if you have not yet discovered that love of God, how do you think you can search for it?

–> And from what you have heard, you can pose a question for dialogue with the catechist.

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